Reach Polish consumers with BLIK

BLIK is the number one payment method for online shops offering products or services to Polish consumers, both in Poland and abroad. With BLIK, you offer your Polish customers a trusted, fast and secure way to pay, no matter where they are. Do you have a lot of Polish consumers? Choose BLIK and optimize your conversion!

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transactions in Poland


Quick and easy online payment

BLIK is used by millions of consumers in Poland looking for a quick and easy way to pay online.

  • Increased conversion
  • Greater customer satisfaction
  • Fewer abandoned shopping carts


Add BLIK to your payment options

BLIK makes everyday life easier.

Discover BLIK
Safe and reliable

BLIK offers a secure payment method thanks to strict verification processes and instant transaction processing. The direct link to the mobile banking app minimizes the risks of fraud and chargebacks, ensuring reliable payments.

Polish consumers

Unlock a new market by offering BLIK, the preferred payment method of Polish consumers worldwide. Increase your conversion rate and reach this growing customer base with ease.

Quickly added

Easy integration through our extensive plugin portfolio.

Excellent review

BLIK is highly regarded among Polish consumers for its ease of use and reliability. By offering BLIK, you improve customer satisfaction and strengthen your reputation.


Instantly arrange all your online and in-store payments.

With the standard webshop plugins, you can easily and quickly link BLIK to your webshop or online store.
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Register directly

Receive online and in-store payments as early as 15 minutes through the Pay. platform

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All payment information on one platform: online, in-store and omnichannel

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Maximum insight into your payment traffic through comprehensive reports

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Favorable rates per transaction

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QR code

Desktop purchases can also checkout with a QR code

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Prompt payment

Even faster payments through the online banking app


The latest insights and trends

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Unlock payment options through BLIK for the Polish market and grow with their success.

Payment methods

An appropriate payment method for every region.

Discover local payment solutions perfectly suited to your market. With our payment methods you offer your customers familiar and easy ways to pay. This will increase the conversion of your webshop.



  • Payment method

    Online banking

  • Channel


  • Available in
    • Poland

  • Specifications
    • The first choice for secure online banking payments

    • For web shops selling products or services in Poland

    • Sharp rate and easy connection

    • Greater customer satisfaction


Frequently Asked Questions

Any more questions?

Get in touch

How do I get BLIK for my business?

To integrate BLIK payments for your business, sign up using the button at the top right. We take care of the rest, including registration, integration, testing, approval and activation.

What does a BLIK transaction cost?

The fees for a BLIK payment are detailed within our fee schedule. View all fees here.

You only pay for successful transactions.

Benefits of BLIK with Pay.

We have developed so-called webshop plugins for various systems. This allows you to link our payment methods, including BLIK, to your webshop in no time. To make the installation as easy as possible, we offer several plugins. Some examples are Magento, OpenCart and PrestaShop. Would you like to link to BLIK yourself? Then use our handy APIs.

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