08 January 2024

Hyvä Checkout: The Ultimate Checkout for Magento

Hyvä Checkout: The Ultimate Checkout for Magento

The Hyvä Checkout is considered the new frontend for your Magento 2 webshop. In addition to delivering the best performance on the market, the checkout also ensures a seamless user experience. That's why we have created a Hyvä Checkout plugin in collaboration with Bold Commerce to provide Magento customers with this development.

The Perfect Choice for Super-Fast Magento Stores

A very exciting development that we are proud of. However, the success of a checkout depends on integrations with third parties - with logistics and Payment Service Providers being the primary ones. These often have a Magento 2 plugin readily available, allowing merchants to easily use their services. In cooperation with Bold Commerce, we've therefore built a plugin that makes it possible to use PAY.nl within Hyvä Checkout, without any further customization required from a technical party. Plug&play, in other words.  



The Hyvä Checkout is the ultimate checkout tool for Magento 2 webshops. It replaces the standard checkout of Magento. Of course, with the Hyvä Checkout, you retain the standard Magento functionalities such as logging in, shipping methods, all payment options, and a summary of your order.

The Hyvä Checkout delivers better performance, less work for a developer, and higher conversion rates.


Benefits of the Hyvä Checkout

The benefits of this checkout are simple: more conversion, speed, and convenience, plus all the payment methods you are accustomed to from us. The Hyvä Checkout is not a replacement for the Magento module but an addition - also known as a compatibility module.

Requirements for using our Hyvä Checkout:

• A recent Magento version (tested on 2.4.6) 
Magento 2 plugin
Hyvä Theme v1.2.3
Hyvä Checkout v1.1.0


The Main Payment Methods Thanks to Our Hyvä Solution

Users of our Hyvä Checkout plugin are assured of a modern and fast Magento webshop with the most payment methods. You can easily add options such as iDEAL, credit cards, gift cards, wallet payment methods, and post-payment to your webshop. This allows customers to pay directly.


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How to Use the Hyvä Checkout Plugin?

You can easily install the plugin with composer. See the GitHub repo for instructions: https://github.com/paynl/magento2-hyva-checkout.