Receiving iDEAL payments through Pay.

The convenience, reliability and low cost of iDEAL make it popular with consumers and business owners. A webshop with iDEAL is guaranteed to generate conversion.



guaranteed payment


Payment method iDEAL on your website

Offer iDEAL via Pay. in your webshop, allowing customers to pay safely and quickly via their familiar banking environment. The convenience, reliability and speed of iDEAL make this payment method very popular with consumers.

  • Payment is 100% guaranteed
  • Instant insight into payments
  • One-touch repayment

Why iDEAL?

Payment method iDEAL for your organization

Ecommerce Payments and Fast Check-out options.

Discover iDEAL
Most popular online payment method

iDEAL is the most popular payment method with customers in online stores.

Supported by every bank

All Dutch banks support iDEAL as a payment method.

As secure as internet banking

iDEAL payments go through the bank's payment environment and uses the same security techniques.

Pay. is acquirer of iDEAL

Our acquirer license leads to a more stable online payment system and a halving of processing time when creating iDEAL payments.


Instantly arrange all your online and in-store payments.

With the standard webshop plugins you can easily and quickly link iDEAL to your webshop or online store.
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Register directly

Receive online and in-store payments through the Pay. platform in as little as 15 minutes

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All payment information on one platform both online, in-store and omnichannel

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Maximum insight into your payment traffic through comprehensive reports

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Favorable rates per transaction

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QR code

Checkout can also be done with a QR code

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Prompt payment

Even faster payments through the online banking app

Paying with iDEAL

iDEAL is the most widely used payment method in the Netherlands. In Belgium it is Bancontact and in Germany it is Pay by Bank.

Payment methods

An appropriate payment method for every region.

Discover local payment solutions perfectly suited to your market. With our payment methods you offer your customers familiar and easy ways to pay. This will increase the conversion of your webshop.

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  • Payment method

    Online banking

  • Channel


  • Available in


  • Rates


  • Specs
    • Payment is 100% guaranteed

    • Favorable rates per transaction

    • Familiar and well-known

    • Instant insight into payments


The latest insights and trends

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Frequently Asked Questions

Any more questions?

Get in touch

How do I accept iDEAL payments in my business?

To integrate iDEAL payments for your business, sign up here.


What does an iDEAL transaction cost?

You pay only for successful transactions and there are no minimum fees or percentage charges. This makes this payment option one of the cheapest payment options. Instantly view all rates here.

Benefits of Implementing iDEAL with Pay.

Integrating iDEAL as an online payment method through Pay offers several advantages:

  • Cost savings: Our rates are competitive and more favorable than if you arrange integration through the bank.
  • Integrated payment methods: Conveniently bundle all your transactions in one view by integrating various payment methods through one connection.
  • Local support: Our dedicated support teams are located locally in each country and are ready to assist you. In case of any problems or additional questions about iDEAL payments, feel free to contact us.
  • Conversion-enhancing features: Take advantage of convenient features, such as a smart checkout, to increase the likelihood that your customers will convert.
  • Personalized dashboard: Effortlessly perform refunds or export transaction data to various file formats for your bookkeeper or accounting software with our easy-to-use dashboard.
  • Efficiency and speed: Linking iDEAL to your online store goes smoothly. Within ten minutes you can already be accepting iDEAL payments. Our powerful API ensures a seamless integration that can handle large transaction volumes.

With all these advantages, we are the fastest and easiest way to accept iDEAL payments.

How long has iDEAL been around?

iDEAL was officially launched on September 22, 2005.

Before iDEAL was introduced, a wide variety of online payment methods existed. From KPN's Switchpoint to Rabo Direct Betalen and ABN Amro's eWallet.

Interest group had already insisted in 2002 that there should be a uniform online payment method with low transaction costs. That idea was taken up by several banks and resulted in iDEAL.

In 2006, 10 million iDEAL transactions were made. By 2023, there were 2.1 billion.

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