04 October 2022

Pay. will be the first payment provider to partner with Biller

Pay. will be the first payment provider to partner with Biller

Biller and Pay. are partnering to make B2B Buy Now, Pay Later available to online e-commerce businesses in the Netherlands. Very little attention has been given to new tech solutions in recent years. Especially when it comes to invoice payments. Biller is fully focused on making such payments as simple and safe as possible for businesses selling to other businesses. The partnership between the two payment companies ensures even more ease of use and up to 30% higher conversion for the business market.  



More than 20% of business buyers can’t (yet) use their preferred payment method 

Biller is the first Dutch B2B BNPL solution in the market and it will be integrated with the Pay. payment platform in Q4. The two Dutch payment companies have one goal with their cooperation: to offer the best and safest buy-now-pay-later payment service to businesses across Europe.  

 Research by Thuiswinkel.org shows that more than 20% of business buyers aren’t able pay with their preferred payment method. This is largely because many business buyers don’t have the option to buy on invoice online, despite it being the most commonly used payment method offline. This means a huge difference from their personal consumer experience. This difference can ultimately lead to a lower conversion rate. 


The new business buyer needs a better user experience and payment method   

B2B buyers are ultimately also consumers. And they’re  used to a great B2C experience where they can pay in only 10 seconds and get the product the next day. The B2B experience on the other hand is often cumbersome. Usually, an account has to be created to buy at all, low credit limits apply and it takes up to days after signing up before a purchase can actually be made on account. Business buyers deserve an optimal user experience and a simple post-payment method, and they now expect it too. This is one of the main reasons why Biller was founded.   

Derek Vreeburg - Biller Co-founder & Managing Director - is really enthusiastic about the new collaboration with Pay.. 

 ‘In the consumer market, more and more people are using Afterpay and Klarna, but an option specifically developed for the business market was not yet available. That is, until we set up Biller a year and a half ago. It's great that the founders of Pay. now also want to offer our payment method through their platform. From Q4 anyone who wants to can B2B BNPL payment options to business customers with just a few clicks.’ 




Between 10 and 30% higher conversion 

The extra payment convenience and speed you gain with Biller via Pay. is enormous. Offering BNPL payment methods can lead to a conversion increase of between 10 to 30%. Although Biller has only been around for 18 months, Menne Mennes (COO of Pay.) says it makes no sense to wait any longer to offer Biller on the Pay. platform.  

‘B2B BNPL provides many advantages for both business buyers and sellers. It’s extraordinary that we have not yet had a 'user-friendly' solution for this in the business market. After all, we have long known that a good user experience for payments increases conversion. This can be of great benefit, especially in the business market where large sums of money are often involved. Solutions like Biller are desperately needed.’  

Vreeburg couldn't agree more, and is very pleased that the payment experts at Pay. know the market so well that they immediately recognise the importance of using Biller.   

‘Other Payment Service Providers sometimes have a somewhat wait-and-see attitude, but Pay. doesn’t. They have enough in-house knowledge and experience to determine what their business customers need.’ 


BNPL in business is an absolute must have 

The partnership between Pay. and Biller is going to bring major benefits according to Mennes. 

"Pay. already has a large reach with thousands of customers across Europe. Those businesses can now add Biller as a payment method with just a few clicks. Biller's reach and brand awareness will grow rapidly as a result. But of course, this collaboration is also important for Pay. We always do our best (and usually succeed) to offer the most innovative payment methods to our customers. Buy now, pay later for businesses is an absolute must-have, so we are very happy to be the first PSP in the Netherlands to offer Biller's services. Ultimately, we do this to satisfy our and Biller’s customers, and I think we have been very successful. But do test this payment method yourself and let us know what you think.’ 


