Customer case: Parfumswinkel

Customer case: Parfumswinkel

Choosing perfume as a gift is extremely popular, but not always easy due to personal preferences. Fortunately, there is Parfumswinkel: a service-oriented online webshop that is managed by the entrepreneurial brothers Dorian and Jory Hofs.


The e-commerce company has a strong proposition. Parfumswinkel offers a varied range of quality perfume and care products. In addition, the company has provided their customers with professional service for more than 10 years in choosing a suitable perfume or beauty product. "But we also distinguish ourselves with our competitive prices, fast delivery and our ‘personal touch’," says Mitch Dielemans, E-commerce manager at Parfumswinkel. "Returning customers are always delighted with great offers and gifts, which makes us unique."

Be innovative and put your customer first

Parfumswinkel was the outcome of an online mindset focused on growth. Mitch: "We started an online webshop. Initially, we wanted to spread the product range through our online channels, where most of our turnover comes from. Due to the growing customer demand and interest in Parfumswinkel, a physical store was opened in Breda."


The online perfumery takes customer service very serious. This also applies to innovative solutions that should make the customer experience of Parfumswinkel customers even more optimal. "We always do everything we can to advise and help our customers. For us, they are the most important input for improvement. That is why we continuously strive to create the most complete omnichannel customer experience" says Mitch.

The e-commerce manager of Parfumswinkel is referring to a seamless and innovative system where customers can place an order in both the online webshop and the physical store. Mitch: "A system like that is ideal and exactly what our Payment Service Provider PAY. offers."


Personal contact is key in partnerships

Collaborating with various e-commerce parties is indispensable for achieving online success. Such partnerships serve the purpose of enabling webshops to operate the highest level of e-commerce, by listening and responding to wishes and needs. Unfortunately, this fact is often taken for granted. "Previously, we processed our payments through a major international Payment Service Provider. In the long run we found out that this didn't work for our growth at all" says Mitch.

Large Payment Service Providers often lose sight of the most important thing: personal contact. "We missed the contact with the account managers, ‘the connection’. PAY. on the other hand, always thinks in terms of what’s best for Parfumswinkel, they visit us and they are very progressive in the field of the latest payment development. For us, these characteristics were the reason why we went live with PAY. almost immediately."


PAY, more than a Payment Service Provider

PAY. tries to unburden and serve their customers in as many areas as possible, so that they can focus on what matters, which is entrepreneurship. In addition, PAY. always thinks along and with their customers. We do not only facilitate payments, but we also offer extra services that enhance and optimize the omnichannel customer experience of (web)shops.

Mitch: "We are very satisfied with PAY. They are a direct point of contact for Parfumswinkel and they are always aware of the latest developments and innovations in the payment landscape. That’s really what you need when you start using the services of a Payment Service Provider."

PAY. listens by anticipating to specific needs and wishes. They offer extra services such as the second chance and they have a varied mix of payment methods. This means that we can easily and quickly switch payment methods on and off in our webshop!

Parfumswinkels wants (to grow) more

Parfumswinkel is active in the Benelux, but has recently started their expansion to Germany. The company has a lot in store with when it comes to growth plans, but they are more than ready for the challenge. Mitch: "With PAY. as payment partner we will respond strategically to the demand for the latest payment trends abroad, also because the demand for payment methods differs enormously from country to country. We see this with our Dutch and Belgian customers and it will also apply to the German e-commerce market. I am confident that we, together with PAY, will make Parfumswinkel an even greater success."

PAY. is the ideal party if you want to take your webshop to the next level. PAY. grows with you and your company.